Donations and gifts are needed to fund current operations, provide financial aid to campers, and make capital improvements to the facilities. Donations can be specified to any of the following four funds:
1. Unrestricted Funds - help support current operations and provide the greatest amount of flexibility to camp. Camper tuition only covers 60-65% of the annual operating expenses with the remainder coming from unrestricted donations.
2. Campership Funds - help provide financial support to campers with a demonstrated financial need.
3. Capital Funds - are used for improvements to the property, plant, and equipment for both camps. Donations can be earmarked for a specific capital project (e.g., new cabins) or to the fund in general.
4. Endowment Funds - are restricted to growing the endowment for both camps. Interest and dividends are then used to support operations and capital projects.
Make your donation today by making a check payable to "Camps Newfound/Owatonna" and sending it to the following address:
Camps Newfound/Owatonna
4 Camp Newfound Road
Harrison, Maine 04040-9987
The camps are non-profit organizations, and contributions are generally tax deductible if you itemize your deductions. However, you should consult your tax advisor and/or preparer to determine the amount and extent of your available deduction.